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How to Draw Perspective

how to draw perspective

Knowing how to draw perspective is one of the most important skills for any artist. This skill helps to depict not only simple geometric shapes and structures but also people because absolutely all objects obey the laws of perspective.

In this instruction, the team of Drawingforall.net wants to show you how to draw perspective on a very visual example of a city street. Here we will take a practical look at how to correctly depict a single point perspective.


Step 1

First, depict lines that merge at a vanishing point. In our image, the top lines are the top edges of the houses, and the bottom lines are the bottom edges of the houses and the sidewalk lines.

how to draw Exterior

Step 2

Now use a few vertical lines to depict the boundaries of the houses. The team of Drawingforall.net advises to draw without using a ruler to train the ability to depict straight lines.

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Step 3

Using the same straight vertical lines depict the door and window in the foreground. Recall that in accordance with the laws of aerial perspective, details in the foreground should be darker and more contrasting.

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Step 4

In exactly the same way as in the previous stage, depict the rest of the doors and windows. As these details move further away they should get smaller and lighter.

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Step 5

Using a lot of lines, depict the brickwork as shown in the image from the artists of Drawingforall.net. While working with this area, also try to ensure that the bricks become smaller and lighter as they move away from us.

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Step 6

Add a couple of lines to the sidewalks to give them volume. Depict houses in the center of the composition. They should be very light and not have a lot of detail.

how to draw one point perspective

Step 7

Now let’s move on to the right half of the street. Use long lines that merge at the already created vanishing point to depict the masonry. In the same stage, depict the door in the foreground.

how to draw in perspective

Step 8

Get rid of all construction lines and make the foreground darker and more contrasting. Add the necessary finishing touches to make the artwork clean and complete. You can add some shadows or colors to make the artwork more voluminous and convincing.

how to draw perspective

In this article, the team of Drawingforall.net showed you how to draw perspective on the example of a narrow European street. But using the knowledge gained in this article, you can depict any other exteriors, interiors, or objects with the correct perspective.

In addition, the team of Drawingforall.net does not stop repeating that in order to truly learn to draw well, you need to practice a lot and draw at least half an hour every day. For example, you can go outside and use the knowledge gained in this article to try to depict your surroundings.

Also do not forget to visit other articles on Drawingforall.net, subscribe to us on social networks and write us your wishes and criticism.

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