How to Draw a Dove for Beginners
Hello, everybody! In today’s drawing tutorial, we will show you how to draw a dove for beginners. This lesson going to be pretty simple, as our previous lessons about how to draw a cow, goose, duck and chicken. In this tutorial will be no complex shadows and details (as in tutorials about Wolverine or Sub-Zero, for example). So, let’s start the tutorial and learn how to draw a dove for beginners.
Step 1
Using smooth and light lines draw a circle for the head and an oval for the torso.
Step 2
Using smooth and curved lines connect the head with the body. Sketch out the contours of the tail.
Step 3
Draw the beak using two triangles. Using two smooth and curved lines sketch out the wings.
Step 4
Draw the almond-shaped eye of the dove. Draw the lower edges of the wings. At the lower part of the torso draw the legs.
Step 5
Erase all the unnecessary guidelines and strokes. Darken and smoothen the lines of the drawing. Pant out the eye.
Step 6
And we got to the last step. Using slightly curved strokes draw the feathers on the wings and tail.
It was the drawing lesson about how to draw a dove for beginners. We hope this tutorial was interesting and informative for you. Stay tuned and wait for new drawing lessons by Goodbye!
the drawing was very cool
Ur website good
Very fun to draw
Thank you so much I am doing a important report so I love ❤️ the step by step the one ☝️ thang I have to say is you mite like to add the tools that you mite need
to be honest all you need is a pencil and an eraser
ur website is vry good and helpful and fun 2 use
DAm good web bro keep up the great work
Great! Now I know how to draw a dove!!
The picture is worse than your life.
this helped me out soooooo much
thank you this helped so much. you should do more things.
this helped me out soooooo much and i rilly like it
This is good sadly i’m not good enough to be able to make a good one
it was great
whoever made this website has a great heart
Good website
ty very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very much much much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you need to add more detail of how to draw it like the legs and make its simple
Im using this to ask for forgiveness lol
SOOOO GREAT! I wish there was a better way for me to show you my gratitude for this!
this had helped a LOT!!!!!!