How to Draw a Cow for Kids
Hello, everybody! Today, we continue our series of drawing lessons for beginners – as you have seen today, we will show you how to draw a cow for kids.
Step 1
At first draw a circle, as a guide for the head. Then draw a big oval, as a guide for the torso. Similar outlines we had in the lesson about the goat.
Step 2
Draw another one circle under the head. Using ovals draw eyes in the centre of the head. Sketch out the ears at the sides of the head. Sketch out the legs, tail and udder.
Step 3
The general shapes ready, and we start to add details. Draw pupils in the eyes and nostrils on the snout. Using wavy line draw hair. Draw horns, located right above the ears. Sketch out the bell under the head.
Step 4
Erase the guidelines from the previous steps. Darken and smoothen the lines of the head. Paint out the eyebrows, pupils and nostrils. Draw the lines in the ears.
Step 5
Now follow the same actions, that we did in the previous step – erase the guidelines and darken the lines of the drawing. Draw hooves, pelvic bones and the “tassel” on the end of the tail.
It was the drawing lesson in which we have shown you how yo draw a cow for beginners. We hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Stay tuned and wait for new drawing lessons by DrawingForAll.Net