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How to Draw Lizard from Marvel

how to draw lizard from marvel

Hello dear artists and lovers of comics! Today we have prepared for you a new drawing tutorial on how to draw Lizard from Marvel. On our site there are already drawing lessons about such famous villains as Rhino, Green Goblin, Dr. Octopus and others.


Step 1

Despite the fact that our current character is not quite a man, his physique is almost human. In the first step we always draw a skeleton, and this lesson is no exception. Sketch out the skull with the help of an oval, then the chest, spine and pelvis. At the end of the step sketch out the limbs.

how to draw lizard from marvel

Step 2

Sketch out the eyes and a slightly open mouth on the head of our Lizard. Using simple geometric shapes (such as cylinders and circles) add volume to the torso, arms and legs.

how to draw lizard from marvel comics

Step 3

Continue the drawing lesson about how to draw Lizard from a Spider-Man. Here we just need to outline the long lab coat with a high collar and a long thick tail tapering to the tip..

learn how to draw lizard from marvel

Step 4

Let’s start adding details with the head. First of all draw the eyes with frowning eyebrows. Now fall below and draw the open mouth as in our example. At the end of this step erase all additional lines.

how to draw lizard from spider-man

Step 5

Using short and slightly curved lines draw the texture on the head of Curt Connors. By the way, on our site there is another lesson about a human lizard, or rather a lesson on how to draw Lizard from Mortal Kombat.

learn to draw lizard from spider man

Step 6

Carefully draw out the lab coat. Add all the necessary folds to the lab coat as in our example. Note that the sleeves should be torn.

how to draw lizard

Step 7

In this step of the lesson on how to draw the Lizard from Marvel we finish drawing the upper body. Carefully draw out the hands and add lines as in our example.

how to draw lizard from marvel comics

Step 8

We pass to the lower part of the body of Lizard. Draw out the pants with folds in the groin and knees area. Note that the bottom of the pants should also be torn.

how to draw dr Curtis Connors

Step 9

So we got to the last step of our lesson about how to draw Curt Connors. Draw long lizard feet and tail. Add longitudinal lines to the tail and short lines to the feet.

how to draw lizard from marvel

Here is another drawing tutorial about the enemies of Spider-Man from Marvel Universe came to an end. Do not forget to subscribe to updates on our social networks and share this drawing lesson.

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