How to Draw a Pumpkin
Greetings, dear artists and lovers of art! New drawing lesson as always already waiting for you on our site, and today we’ll show you how to draw a vegetable. So today we will show you how to draw a pumpkin. The lesson is very simple, but at the end of the tutorial you will get a quite realistic pumpkin. But in fact, it is not only a great decoration for Halloween, ot weapon of Hobgoblin and Green Goblin, but also great food. Let’s get acquainted with this lesson and learn how to draw a pumpkin!
Step 1
First, draw a flattened oval. The shape of the pumpkin may well not be entirely smooth – as in our sample.
Step 2
Then, in the upper part of the oval draw the stem of the pumpkin. Note, that almost all of it is inside the pumpkin circuit.
Step 3
This step is particularly important. Here we should draw the lines on the pumpkin. Please note – the parts of the pumpkin, which are closest to us, appear much larger and wider than the those, that are farther. Another point – the further the lines are, the closer they are to each other.
Step 4
We work with the stem. Erase extra lines, so it does not seem transparent. Then draw a circle at its tip to designate thickness. Finally, using clear and confident lines draw the stem and outline a few lines inside it. Here draw the bottom of the pumpkin segments.
Step 5
Finish the lesson on how to draw a pumpkin by adding shadows. Note that the light falls on the left of us, then we will add shadows to the right parts of the segments. As you can see, the shadow is very simple – just a normal hatching. The density of the shadow controls the degree of pressure on the pencil.
The drawing lesson on how to draw a pumpkin was prepared for you by artists of Recall, that it’s not the only tutorial about fruits and vegetables, on our website you also can find lessons about grapes and cherry. Do not forget to follow the news on the official page of our site in Facebook. Stay tuned, and learn to draw with us every day!
not easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT EASY AT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was easy
Yes. It was very easy.
this was hard af
you are telling the truth this drawing is hard as hell and it would be easier if they did videos
this drawing was very easy so you are just a bad drawer
I thank you so much to show me the simplest way to draw something as easy as a pumpkin and it still didn’t look like yours, neat
This is very hard because you can’t perfect the “oval” shape….
thanks that made draing so much easier
This is a good website
its a pretty good picture but looks hard to draw but i’ll try…..wish me luck.
Nothin bad it is easy peasy lemon squishy
Not cool stampy
This made it so much easier but mine is supposed to be smaller. Thanks
this was not easy
This helped allot thanks for the tutorial it was very easy and simple.
Who’s fault is it.
This is easy and quick! i tried it and it looks like i spent 30 min on it !
Thank you it was super easy!
I copyed it with a paper and its easy to trays it on a paper like on the screen,if you put paper on the screen and copy ti it is easy to draw it.
my name is austin and i like money
this is goofy ong