How to Draw a Halberd
Hello dear readers and welcome to the drawing tutorial about how to draw a halberd! Halberd is a polearm with mixed tip, consisting of a needle (round or faceted) spear point and a blade of a battle ax with a sharp butt. Was in the arsenal of infantry of a number of European countries from the XIII to the XVII century.
Step 1
So, first, draw a straight horizontal line for the pole as in our example.
Step 2
Draw another line and connect it with the line from the previous step using sort lines to get the pole.
Step 3
As we said earlier, the tip of the halberds is combined. In this step, we draw the upper part with a sharp spike.
Step 4
Draw the lower part of the halberd which looks like a battle axe.
Step 5
Add glare to the tip with the help of short hatches and shadow using the usual hatching.
Halberd is one of the most characteristic weapons of the Middle Ages, along with morning star, flail and two-handed greatsword.