How to Draw Rarity
Welcome to, dear friends! In this drawing lesson we will show you how to draw a pony from “My Little Pony”. She is interested in design, fashion, and always wants to be the center of attention. Along with Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and other ponies, she is the main heroine of the series, but clearly stands out by design flair and ingenuity. So, let’s start the lesson, and learn how to draw Rarity!
Step 1
First things first draw a circle, as a guide for the head.
Step 2
Under the circle from the previous step draw an oval. It will be the torso of Rarity.
Step 3
Now, using two curved lines, connect the head with the torso of Rarity.
Step 4
Using elongated ovals sketch out the limbs of pony, as in our example.
Step 5
Draw the lines of facial symmetry. The vertical line shows us the center of the face, and the horizontal will help us to draw eyes.
Step 6
Continue drawing lesson on how to draw Rarity step by step. Using the lines of facial symmetry, draw the eyes and nose as in our example below,
Step 7
Using two curved lines draw the half-closed eyelids. Draw the pupils inside the eyes.
Step 8
Draw the mouth, horn and ear, as in the example below.
Step 9
At this step in the lesson about how to draw Rarity we just need to draw hair, using a couple of curved lines.
Step 10
Continue drawing pony. Erase the guidelines from the previous steps. Circle the lines to make them smooth and clean.
Step 11
Paint the pupil. Draw the mane, using curved lines. Draw the leg, that is behind all.
Step 12
Continue to draw My Little Pony. Erase the guidelines from the body of Rarity. Circle the lines as in our example.
Step 13
Draw the tail, which is very similar to a tape for wrapping gifts.
Step 14
Draw three diamonds on the hip of Rarity. Using long and smooth lines draw the texture on the hair and tail of the pony.
It was the drawing lesson on how to draw Rarity from My Little Pony. If this tutorial was interesting for you, sign up for our Google + and other social networks. Stay tuned, and wait for new drawing lessons!