How to Draw a Spray Can
Hello dear artists. Many of those who like to draw with a pencil and paper, perhaps already tried to draw using a spray can. Today, as you have already noticed, we will show you how to draw a spray can.
Step 1
First of all, using clear and straight lines draw out a long vertical rectangle.
Step 2
At the top and bottom of the rectangle we draw ovals.
Step 3
Erase all unnecessary lines. If you did everything right, then you will get such a cylinder.
Step 4
Add curved lines at the top and bottom of the can. Draw the top of the can with a curved line.
Step 5
At the very top of our sprac can we draw a cap.
Step 6
With the help of a light hatching add glare and shadows, which will make the drawing more voluminous.
Today we showed you how to draw a spray can. We hope that you coped with this drawing lesson. And also we hope that you will want to learn how to draw with spray can, because it’s very interesting type of art. If in old times an artist looked like the guy we drew in the lesson about how to draw an artist, then modern artists are more like ordinary guys from the street. But of course we remind you that you need to draw in the permitted places.
I like it and all but it left out a step.
Thank you very much.