Home » Drawing Tutorials » Cartoons » How to Draw a Cartoon Hedgehog

How to Draw a Cartoon Hedgehog

how to draw a cartoon hedgehog

Hello, dear readers! Today we have prepared for you another very simple drawing tutorial, the main character of which will be a cartoon hedgehog.If you notice, on our website a lot of difficult drawing lessons (such drawing tutorials as Samurai, Scorpion, Soldier and etc), but we try to draw simple tutorials too, after all the site is called DrawingForAll.

So, let’s proceed to the drawing tutorial on how to draw a cartoon hedgehog!


Step 1

Begin by drawing a normal circle. By the way, we start drawing almost all our drawing tutorials with a circle (for example, how to draw a snowman).

how to draw cartoons


Step 2

Mark the circle with two lines intersecting at right angles. In the same step, draw the short, rounded arms and legs.

how to draw hedgehog step by step


Step 3

Draw the facial features of the hedgehog. Using the guidelines, drawn in the previous steps, draw the circles of the glasses, nose and mouth. Draw the pupils inside the eyes and eyebrows above them.

drawing tutorials


Step 4

Erase the guidelines and draw the lines of the hair. Circle all the lines using clear lines.

cartoon drawings

It was drawing on how to draw a cartoon hedgehogthe lesson that was prepared by artists of DrawingForAll site. Stay with us and learn to draw better!

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