Home » Drawing Tutorials » How to Draw a Cartoon Cat

How to Draw a Cartoon Cat

how to draw a cartoon cat for children


Hello! In today’s drawing lesson, we will show you how to draw a cartoon cat for beginners. This drawing tutorial is a part of the simple easy tutorials such as tutorials about a spider, goat, cow, chicken and goose. So, let’s start this drawing lesson and learn how to draw a cartoon cat!


Step 1

At first draw a circle as a guide for the head. Sketch out a vertical facial line which will help us to draw eyes.

how to draw a cat


Step 2

Ok, now, using the line from the previous step sketch out the eyes. Eyes should look like two ovals. Draw pupils in the eyes.

how to draw a cat for beginners


Step 3

Using rounded triangles draw ears.

how to draw a cat step by step


Step 4

Just below and to the right of the circle draw an elongated oval as a guide for the torso of our cartoon cat.

how to draw a cat for kids


Step 5

Using two curved lines connect the body with the head. Using two curved lines draw the neck, which connects the body with the head.

how to draw a cartoon cat


Step 6

Using curved lines draw the tail and the leg.

how to draw a cartoon cat for kids


Step 7

Erase the guidelines. Add whiskers using wavy lines. Darken and smoothen the lines of the drawing.

how to draw a cartoon cat easy


Step 8

Our lesson devoted to how to draw a cartoon cat for children and beginners is nearing completion. Draw the cast shadow, which repeats the outlines of the cat. Draw the little butterfly on the tail and move to the last step.

how to draw a cartoon cat for beginners


Step 9

It is the latest and simplest step of our tutorial. Just paint out the cat using crayons, paints, markers or any other method.

how to draw a cartoon cat for children


It was the drawing lesson about how to draw a cartoon cat for kids and beginners. We hope this tutorial was interesting and informative for you. Stay tuned and wait for new drawing lessons by drawingforall.net


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