How to Draw the Yeti Step by Step
In our world for tens of thousands of years of the existence of human civilization there has appeared a huge number of very different myths and legends. Many of them exist today, in the age of high technology. And today we will show you how to draw the Yeti step by step – one of the most famous creatures from urban myths of our time.
Step 1
Yeti is essentially something between a man and a monkey, and therefore his skeleton will be simultaneously similar to the skeleton of a man and a monkey. First, sketch out the head and then the line of the spine. Next, outline the shape of the chest and pelvis. With the help of simple lines, we sketch out the arms and legs.
Step 2
Now we will add the volume to the figure of our Yeti. The first thing we do is draw two lines on the head that will help us draw the details of the face in the next steps. Next, outline the shape of the torso, arms and legs with simple geometric shapes, as shown in our example. Note that the proportions of the arms and legs resemble monkey proportions.
Step 3
In the previous steps, we used very light lines, in order to simply erase them. Starting with this step, we will draw details using dark and clear lines. The first thing we do is draw the eyes with the help of the vertical line drawn by us in the previous step. Next, draw a short and wide nose and a large mouth.
Step 4
In this step, we finish drawing the head of the Yeti. Carefully draw out the outlines of a high head that resembles the head of a gorilla. Next, draw out the outlines of the face as shown in our example, draw hair lines and delete unnecessary guidelines.
Step 5
Now let’s move a little lower and work with the details of the torso. Using dark and clear lines, carefully draw out the shape of the torso. In order to draw a hair texture, use short lines as in our example. Do not forget to remove unnecessary guidelines from the torso.
Step 6
Now let’s take care of the long arms of our mysterious creature. With the help of the same short lines we draw out the fur outlines on the arms of the our misterious creature. Next, using clear and dark lines, carefully draw out the outlines of monkey hands and fingers.
Step 7
Now we will do the same, but this time with the legs of Yeti. As in the previous step, we will draw the outlines of the fur on the legs with the help of short strokes. When you draw the legs, take into account the outlines of the muscles under the fur, as shown in our example. In the same step, carefully draw out the outlines of large feet using clear and dark lines.
In this lesson we showed you how to draw the Yeti step by step. As we have already said, this is one of the most famous creatures from the urban legends of our time. But on our site there are other creatures from urban legends and ancient myths. If you want to learn how to draw them too, then go to our category called “Myths and Legends”