How to Draw Scylla
As you probably know, the team of Drawing For All is very fond of myths and legends, and also very fond of drawing different characters from these myths. Especially we love characters from ancient Greek myths, many of which are already on our website. And today’s lesson on how to draw Scylla will replenish this topic.
Step 1
This is a very unusual and strange character, and its stickman will also be extremely unusual. In this step we will outline the upper part of the skeleton of the Ccylla, consisting of the head, spine, thorax, hands and snakes behind the back.
Step 2
In this step we will outline the bottom of the skeleton of Scylla. First of all, we sketch a huge circle at the bottom. With the help of light and strongly curved lines sketch the tentacles in the lower part.
Step 3
In this step we will make the Scylla figure more voluminous. With the help of simple geometric figures draw outlines of the torso and arms. Then add some volume to the bottom and tentacles. Also do not forget to draw hair and snakes.
Step 4
Draw the outlines of the face – draw the chin and cheekbones as in our example. Then draw the eyes, nose and mouth. And, of course, do not forget to erase all unnecessary guidelines from the face.
Step 5
With the help of long and twisting lines draw out Scylla’s hair. Note that the hair should be quite disheveled.
Step 6
Now go to the Scylla’s arms, drawing them with smooth and dark lines. Do not forget to delete unnecessary guidelines.
Step 7
A fairly complex step in which you need to draw all the numerous snakes behind Scylla. Try to make them as creepy as in our example.
Step 8
Now with the help of long and smooth lines (yes, we often use this combination of words), we need to draw out the lower part of Scylla and long tentacles.
Step 9
Using light hatching, draw shadows. Note that we have drawn very few shadows, but you can make them darker and denser.
With this lesson, we certainly do not finish our cycle of drawing lessons about mythical characters. To see others and learn how to draw them, visit our category called “Myths and Legends”. If there is still no desired character in this section, write about it in the comments to this article.