How to Draw Anime Female Eyes
In this guide, we will tell you how to draw anime female eyes. In fact, large and expressive eyes are one of the main features of the anime style.
Therefore, today we will try to improve your skill in drawing anime eyes. We assume that this will give you confidence in your own abilities and increase your skill in drawing any anime characters.
Step 1
So let’s start this guide on how to draw anime female eyes. So let’s start this guide on how to draw anime female eyes. Draw two horizontal, parallel lines. The distance between these lines is equal to the height of the eyes. And also draw one vertical line that intersects the horizontal lines at right angles. Note that the vertical line is the facial symmetry line. Place this line in the middle of your drawing.
Step 2
Draw the outer outlines of the eyes. It looks like the outline of a plant’s leaves. Try to draw symmetrical paths. Notice that the top edge of the eyes is more than half the same as the top horizontal line. Don’t draw the inner corners of the eyes.
Step 3
Draw the inner outlines of the eyes. These lines are not completely parallel to the lines from the previous step. The inner contours have smoother curves. The lower lines of the inner contours of the eye are interrupted and form adjacent borders with the outer lines. A considerable distance should remain between the lateral angles of the outer and inner contours.
Step 4
Draw the pupils. It looks like two circles of different sizes. The smaller circle is located within the larger circle. Pay attention to the location and shape of the pupils. The location of the pupils forms the direction and mood of the character’s gaze. This is much more important than it sounds. After you have drawn the pupils, remove the extra guidelines.
Step 5
Some shadows will make your drawing look more vivid and realistic. Use a single layer of oblique hatching of varying intensities. More shaded areas correspond to more intense and dense shading with strong pressure on the pencil. Note the large white highlights. These areas and sclera should remain unpainted.
Step 6
Check that all shapes and forms are correct. Make sure the outer eye contours are symmetrical. Check the placement of the pupils especially carefully. Remove all excess lines with an eraser. Congratulations, it was a great job!
Nice idea
this is dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its not
this was fun and nice to draw
That are the best to make
No offense, but this looks more masculine than feminine.
it looks cute
Turned out bad for me