How to Draw a Teddy Bear
Hello everyone! In today’s drawing lesson we will teach you how to draw a teddy bear. In general, the teddy bear was the most popular toy of the XX century. And the story of its creation begins with 1902, when US President Theodore Roosevelt – a great lover of hunting – chased the bear with his team. Once the animal has been pounded, Theodore refused to kill him. The story hit the newspapers, accompanied by caricature drawn illustrations of a bear. The wife of a Russian migrant Morris Mitchoma saw one of these caricatures and sewed plush toy, which she called “Teddy”, in honor of the president. This toy appeared on a toy store and made an incredible sensation. So let’s start the lesson and learn how to draw a teddy bear with a pencil!
Step 1
At first draw a circle as a guide for the head. Below the circle draw an elongated oval as a guide for the torso. Note, that it is the first step, and at first steps you should not press down too hard on a pencil.
Step 2
Now, in the tutorial about how to draw a teddy bear we sketch the lines of facial symmetry. At first draw the vertical line which divide the face into two parts, and will help us to find the center of the face. Then draw the horizontal line, which will help us to draw the eyes. Below the line of the eye draw a curved line.
Step 3
Draw ears and paws of the Teddy Bear. Please note – in this stage we only use rounded, flowing lines. First, using semicircles sketch out the ears. First, using semicircles sketch out the ears. Using curved ovals draw hands and legs.
Step 4
Silhouette of the teddy bear is ready. From this step we will start to add details. At first, using curved lines draw the closed eyes. Below the eyes draw the nose. At the upper left part of the head draw the patch.
Step 5
At this step of the tutorial about how to draw a Teddy Bear we will finish with the face. First erase all the unnecessary guidelines. Darken and smoothen the lines of the head. Add some seams and lines to the head.
Step 6
At this step erase the guidelines and smoothen and darken the lines of the body. Erase the guidelines and unnecessary strokes. Add seams and patches to the torso. Sketch out the contours of the flower.
Step 7
At the final step of the tutorial about how to draw a Teddy Bear. At the final step of the tutorial about how to draw a Teddy Bear we will draw a flower. But first add the remaining seams to the legs (if you have not done it in the previous step). First draw the stalk using two slightly curved lines. Then draw petals which are arranged in two rows.
So, it was drawing lesson about how to draw a Teddy Bear step by step. We hope this drawing tutorial was interesting and informative for you. Note that on our website you can find a tutorial about the most popular teddy bear – Winnie the Pooh. If this tutorial seems too easy for you, visit our tutorials about how to draw Wolverine or how to draw a samurai. Stay tuned, and wait for new drawing tutorials. Goodbye!
your drawing was ok PLEASE make it easier anddd yeah
Is this a copy rite bear, or can it be used with monetary gain paintings/ drawings
Loved the little patchwork bear ! Wish I could leave a picture of what I did with it and see what others did.