How to Draw a Pen
Hello dear artists. In previous lessons we showed you how to draw a pencil. In this lesson, as you’ve guessed, we’ll show you how to draw a pen.
Step 1
Just like in the lesson about a pencil we first draw a long rectangle using straight and dark lines.
Step 2
Draw two lines on the body and a small rectangle at the lower part of the pen.
Step 3
Continue the lesson on how to draw a pen. Here we need to draw out the triangular tip.
Step 4
At the top of the pencil draw put the button and clip as on our drawing.
Step 5
Now with the help of hatching add some shadows and glare on the surface of the pen.
This lesson was devoted to how to draw a pen. As you could see, we drew a rather complex pen. With the help of this lesson you can draw a simpler type pen, without a button and clip (in appearance it will look a bit like a pencil).
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it does
Nice job you inspierd me
how many days did it take for you to learn how to sketch?
Op pen drawing
Please draw it step by step
Is the pen is beautiful?