How to Draw a Tap
Hello everyone and welcome to DrawingForAll. We very rarely draw something about an interior of a house, and in this lesson we decided to correct it. So meet a drawing lesson on how to draw a tap.
Step 1
Grab a pencil and using long and slightly curved lines start drawing the tap. Norte that the lines should be very smooth and light.
Step 2
A very simple step where we need to draw the basis of the tap. In our example we have drawn a short basis, but you can draw another shape.
Step 3
Move to the top of the tap and draw the handle. Note that we drew a classic handle, but you can draw any other shape.
Step 4
The general shapes of the tap are ready. Using very clear and dark lines draw out the tap making it nice and smooth.
Step 5
Add some shadows and glare. To make realistic glare draw lines inside the contours.
It was a drawing lesson about how to draw a tap step by step. We drew a classic tap in this drawing tutorial, but you can draw a tap of any shape and with any handle. Don’t forget to share this lesson and subscribe to us in social media.
this was awesome
i know right
Very cool