How to Draw a Tanto
Hello dear readers and welcome to drawing tutorial on how to draw a tanto – a samurai dagger. If you like the theme of Japan, then perhaps you’ve already seen our drawing lessons about katana and wakizashi.
Step 1
Here we use the same principle as in the lessons about katana and wakizashi – draw a slightly curved line.
Step 2
Draw another curved line below the first line and connect them as in our example.
Step 3
Now add some details to the blade such as the sharpening line.
Step 4
Sketch out the guard and pommel as in our example.
Step 5
Using crossing lines draw out the wrapping on the grip.
Step 6
Erase all the additional lines, paint the grip and add shadows using short hatching.
It was a drawing lesson about how to draw a tanto step by step. Don’t forget to share this lesson and subscribe to us in social media. Thank you for reading and sayonara!
AHHHH (Are you able to draw a Chibi Human-Cat?)
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