How to Draw a Hockey Stick Easy
Hello dear amateur artists. Not long ago we drew a puck and said that it is one of the easiest lessons on our website. But today we made a lesson, which is even easier – a lesson about how to draw a hockey stick for beginners.
Step 1
First of all draw a long and straight line. Try to draw this line without using a ruler.
Step 2
Now draw another exactly the same line next to the line from the previous step.
Step 3
Now we connect these two lines in the bottom part and create the shape of the so-called “toe” of our hockey stick.
What could be easier than this lesson in which we drew a stick? It seems to us that only an ordinary stick can be simpler (a drawing lesson about which we can show in one of the following lessons).
this was really easy to do it took me about two minuets to do.
really easy
good job