How to Draw a Lollipop is full of the most simple drawing lessons, but today’s lesson will be incredibly simple, because today we will show how to draw a lollipop. This lesson will be extremely simple, and even a baby can cope with it.
Step 1
We begin this drawing lesson with two simple geometric shapes – an ordinary circle and a long narrow rectangle.
Step 2
Now we need to draw the structure of the lollipop with the help of a long and continuous spiral line.
Step 3
To complete the drawing of the candy, we will add some shadows with the help of dense hatching.
As we said, it will be very easy to learn how to draw a lollipop. By the way, if you noticed, the first steps in the lesson about a lollipop are very similar to the first steps in the lesson about a magnifying glass. By the way, in the category called “For Beginners” you will find a bunch of even more simple drawing lessons.