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How to Draw a Liquid Soap

Liquid soap drawing

From time immemorial, people used classic solid soap that saved people from dirt and bacteria. But recently, people have begun to use the so-called liquid soap, which is more convenient than the more habitual solid soap. So let’s start the lesson on how to draw liquid soap.


Step 1

First of all, sketch out the outlines of the container, which contains liquid soap. Use light lines for this task. Do not try to make this container too even and perfect in the initial stage, because in the future we will erase these lines in the future.

How to draw a liquid soap

Step 2

In the upper part of the container with liquid soap sketch out the outlines of the pump. Also use light lines. By the way, we drew just such a shape of the container just for the sake of example, but you can slightly change its appearance.

Learn how to draw a liquid soap

Step 3

Let’s get down to the details of the liquid soap. Using dark lines, circle the container and sketch the outlines of the soap inside. By the way, you can draw bubbles or foam inside the container.

How to sketch a liquid soap

Step 4

Now we need to do the same, but with the pump, that is, we need to circle all the lines and make them darker and clearer. In the same step, clear the picture by deleting all unnecessary lines using an eraser.

How to draw a liquid soap

Step 5

But the drawing of liquid soap is not complete until we add shadows. Do this using dense and uniform hatching. In addition, add some highlights to the surface of the container with soap to make your liquid soap drawing more voluminous.

How to draw a liquid soap

This lesson has been dedicated to how to draw liquid soap. As you noticed, it was even easier than it seemed at the very beginning. But maybe you have some difficulties in the process of drawing soap. If so, be sure to write us so that we can correct it and make our future lessons even easier.

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