How to Draw a Hippogriff
In this lesson we want to show you how to draw a hippogriff – a magical creature: a horse-griffin (while the griffin itself is a cross between a lion and an eagle).
In this lesson we want to show you how to draw a hippogriff – a magical creature: a horse-griffin (while the griffin itself is a cross between a lion and an eagle).
As you probably know, the team of Drawing For All is very fond of myths and legends, and also very fond of drawing different characters from these myths.
The world of myths of ancient Greece is diverse and interesting, and it has stories about different heroes and villains.
As we said in the previous drawing lessons – the world is full of different legends and myths, which tell about the most different monsters and mythical creatures.
The planet Earth is full of of various myths and legends, and the creatures in which sometimes look very unusual.
In this lesson we will show how to draw Kraken – the legendary mythical sea monster of giant size, the cephalopod, known by descriptions of Icelandic sailors.
Wendigo is a cannibalistic spirit in the mythology of the peoples of North America. Initially perceived as a symbol of insatiable hunger and a hungry winter, later began to serve as a warning against any excesses of human behavior.
On our site there are many lessons associated with the ancient world and with ancient civilizations. For example, we drew an ancient Greek warrior and a Roman legionnaire.
Harpies are one of the most common characters of different games of the RPG genre, such as Gothic of The Elder Scrolls.
In the legends and myths of India there are a lot of different characters with a lot of heads or hands.