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How to Draw Storm from X-Men

How to draw Storm from Marvel

Hello everyone and welcome to Drawing For All. In this lesson we will show you how to draw Storm from X-Men. This is one of the most famous characters from the X-Men team, which appeared in a variety of comics, movies and animated movies.


Step 1

So, let’s start as always with the skeleton. We need it to make the drawing smooth and symmetrical. First of all, we need to draw a head in the form of an oval. Next, outline the neck that goes into the spine. At the lines of the spine sketch out a thorax and a pelvis. Using simple lines draw arms and legs.

How to draw Storm from marvel

Step 2

In the second step, as always, we add the volume to the skeleton. Sketch out a neck and torso that resembles an hourglass in shape. Next, outline thin arms and legs, which are wide in the hips and taper closer to the knees. We sketch out the hands (you can learn more about it in the lesson about how to draw hands) and feet. Do not forget to sketch out the intersecting lines on the head.

how to draw Storm step by step

Step 3

Now we need to draw some basic details. We, as always, will start from the top and we will move down. On the horizontal line of the face we draw the eyes. Just above depict the eyebrows, and just below the nose and mouth. Next, outline the hair, a cape divided into two parts and lines of clothing.

How to draw Storm from X Men

Step 4

Let’s start working with the final details. Carefully draw out the outline of the face. Next, draw the eyes, a small nose and plump lips. Next, draw the tiara and the outlines of lush hair.

How to draw Storm

Step 5

Let’s move down and draw out the torso. Carefully draw the neck and part of the cloak, which covers the neck. Then, using smooth lines, draw out the shape of the torso. Next, draw out the outline of clothing, taking into account all the curves of the body under the clothes. Gently remove all unnecessary lines.

How to draw Storm step by step

Step 6

Continuing the lines of the torso gently draw out the arms. Note that unlike the arms of a man (for example, Dr. Manhattan), female arms are not as massive and muscular. Draw bracers and neat hands and fingers.

How to draw a woman superhero

Step 7

Now move to bottom of the body of Storm. Continuing the lines of the torso draw the outlines of the legs. Pay attention to the fact that the lines should be very smooth. Remove all unnecessary guidelines, draw out the outlines of high boots and add a few folds.

Storm from marvel drawing

Step 8

Now let’s move on to the shadows. The first thing we need to do is determine is where the light comes from. Then, taking this into account, add shadows to the least illuminated parts of the body of Storm. You can draw shadows using light hatching like in this example, or draw shadows that look like black and contrast areas, as in the Spider-Man lesson.

How to draw Storm from Marvel

It was a lesson about how to draw Storm from Marvel. And now, by tradition, a couple of tips that will not be superfluous in the process of drawing. The very first thing you need to consider when drawing is the difference in the proportions between a woman and a man. The female figure is more refined and when you draw it, use more smooth lines. Also do not forget that unlike men, women have wider hips, and narrower shoulders.

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